garden of forking paths is an installation making use of the physical connection between electrical resistance and heat. A matrix of printed circuit boards forms the canvas for a dendritic maze. Designed algorithmically, the maze reproduces naturally occurring structures, reminding of meandering rivers or winding surfaces found in organic life.
Skin is liminal. Skin enables the body, yet it complicates it. It is active and passive at the same time. Skin is sensitive to touch, whereby it simultaneously touches. Skin is porous. It is a storage, however fading.
Entangled Body Infrastructures is a performance created in collaboration with Julia Preiß. Distributed across the torso, a combination of chains, printed circuit boards and cables, harnesses the bodies of the two performers. Central piece is a Random-access memory (RAM) located between the shoulder blades. Through an interface in the front of the torso, both performers can interact with the memory by plugging and unplugging cables into a series of jacks. Writing and deleting the memory locations of the RAM over and over again.
In contrast to the usual setup of a modular synthesizer, in which patching and tweaking a sound is right at one's fingertips, Erwachte Synthese gives this principle a twist. Each module of this digital synthesizer gets separated into space. By eliminating the ability to have direct access to each knob or patch cable, the performer has to walk, sprint or pause to alter parameters and modulate the sound. Every movement is the result of a desired change in sound and the distance the performer needs to travel to achieve it.