Through his artistic practice, Timon Bohn explores the interplay between technology in its raw appearance and the human body as both its activator and subject at the same time. In a performative manner he engages with self-built machines. Wires cross his skin, sound is amplified by movement or his body is being touched and pierced by mechanic machines. The infrastructures he creates, offer a playground for interaction and yet evolve having their own agency. The time-based nature of his installations and performances allows for a delicate and nuanced probing and readjusting in an attempt to capture the complexity of the intertwined human-machine relationship.
since 2024 Sculpture, Athens School of Fine Arts
since 2023 Digital Media (MA), University of the Arts Bremen
2017 - 2023 Digitale Medien (BA), University of the Arts Bremen
since 2022 Scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
KIKK Festival 2024 True / False
garden of forking paths
Exhibition at Hospice d'Harscamp Namur
24.10 - 27.10.2024
Fictions, Speculation & Imaginaries
garden of forking paths
Exhibition at Halle 1 Speicher XI A HfK Bremen
18.04. - 20.04.2024
wo das ich sich entscheidet
Exhibition at Halle 1 Speicher XI A HfK Bremen
18.11 - 22.11.2023
Bachelor Colloquium
wo das ich sich entscheidet
Performance at Nebenflut HfK Bremen
Salon Digital No. 36
Entangled Body Infrastructures
Performance at Speicherbühne Bremen
Performing Artifacts
Erwachte Synthese
Performance at Schwankhalle Bremen
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